- News
19 October 2015
Advantech releases second-generation GaN-based 350W/500W CL-band SSPA/SSPB for troposcatter applications
Advantech Wireless Inc of Montreal, Canada (which manufactures satellite, RF equipment and microwave systems) has released a 350W/500W CL-band SapphireBlu solid-state power amplifier/block (SSPA/SSPB) - based on the firm's second-generation gallium nitride (GaN) technology - for troposcatter (TROPO) applications (i.e. tropospheric scatter, a method of communicating via microwave signals reflecting from the atmosphere for robust communications links over very long distances).
The new super-compact TT Series SapphireBlu SSPAs/ SSPBs provide what is claimed to be the highest power density in the industry and operate over the low C-band TROPO frequency of 4.4–5.0GHz. The new solid-state power amplifiers are designed to be used as a direct replacement for older-generation Klystrons or traveling-wave tubes (TWTs).
"Tropo applications have certain advantages for strategic communication links, either for military users, or for remote access in isolated areas with no satellite access," says Cristi Damian, VP business development. "The second-generation GaN 350W/500W SSPAs address this fast-growing market with a unique highly efficient and powerful solution. These New SSPAs provide a 70% reduction in weight and size, and a 40% reduction in energy consumption compared to the previous generations of tropo SSPAs," he reckons. "They are ideal for tactical mobile applications, where size, weight and power efficiency are critical."
Advantech Wireless says that its TROPO line of GaN SSPAs is a match for the new generation of high-data-rate, long-haul, cost-efficient communication links using TROPO scattering technologies. With what is claimed to be extremely high linearity, the systems are redundant ready, with built-in L-band up converters, and are very energy efficient.
Advantech Wireless increases production capacity of GaN-based SSPAs and BUCs