- News
19 September 2018
Anokiwave joins 5G O-RAN alliance as contributing member
© Semiconductor Today Magazine / Juno PublishiPicture: Disco’s DAL7440 KABRA laser saw.
Anokiwave Inc of San Diego, CA, USA – which provides highly integrated silicon core chips and III-V front-end integrated circuits for millimeter-wave (mmW) markets and active antenna-based solutions – has joined the O-RAN (Open Radio Access Network) alliance as a contributing member in support of its vision of open, interoperable interfaces that maximize the use of common off-the-shelf hardware.
Announced at the GSMA’s Mobile World Congress (MWC 2018) in Barcelona Spain (26 February – 1 March), O-RAN is an alliance formed by the world’s major mobile operators such as AT&T, NTT DoCoMo, China Mobile, Orange and Deutsche Telekom to cooperate and to share 5G technology. The alliance aims to expand the 5G ecosystem by evolving Radio Access Network (RAN) towards using open, interoperable interface.
Anokiwave expects to participate in the O-RAN alliance by making technical contributions on hardware focusing on the mmWave active antenna for 5G, as well as the active antenna unit (AAU) and remote radio unit (RRU) specifications and interface definitions.
“This will help accelerate the adoption of off-the shelf mmWave hardware, thus further enabling the commercialization of active antennas for 5G,” expects Alastair Upton, senior VP of business development. “In conjunction with our customers and business partners, our products are already in use by several O-RAN alliance network providers.”