- News
19 September 2019
Midsummer increases size of CIGS PV solar cells and hence power of modules
Midsummer AB of Järfälla, near Stockholm, Sweden – a provider of turnkey production lines as well as flexible, lightweight copper indium gallium diselenide (CIGS) thin-film solar panels for building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) – has increased the radius of its rounded solar cells from 90mm to 100mm, reducing the unused area of the module from 8% to just 2% and hence increasing the power per surface area by 6% without increasing production costs.
“Six percent higher power per area for the same production cost is a big improvement in our industry,” says CEO Sven Lindström. “In addition to an increased effect per area, we now have the opportunity to offer a visually more attractive product [in the form of the new R100 module],” he adds.
“We are investing heavily in future research with our new laboratory in Järfälla, Sweden that will open in October,” Lindström notes.