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At this week's annual North American Molecular Beam Epitaxy (NAMBE) conference (8-11 October) at Duke University in Durham, NC, USA, the 2006 MBE Innovator Award, co-sponsored by Veeco, was presented to Dr William E. Hoke in recognition of his outstanding contributions in metamorphic growth of HEMTs, HBTs, and PIN photodetectors.
In 1981, Hoke initiated the MBE program at Raytheon that today includes
three research systems and two production systems. Pseudomorphic HEMTs for
microwave applications were the first to be developed and continue to be manufactured at Raytheon.
Pictured: William E. Hoke
In 1996, Hoke began development of metamorphic structures, including HEMTs, HBTs and PIN photodiodes. Through his research, device performance of metamorphic HEMTs was shown to be equivalent to InP HEMTs and long-term reliability was demonstrated. Metamorphic HEMTs and PIN photodiodes were integrated to produce the first 1-40GHz metamorphic OEIC transimpedance amplifier.
In 2000, Hoke initiated the GaN material program for high-power devices. Most recent, he was promoted to senior engineering fellow and was awarded Raytheon's Excellence Technology Award, its highest engineering honor.
NAMBE's inaugural Young Investigator Award was presented to Dr Hock Ng, a materials scientist at Bell Labs in Murray Hill, NJ, USA (the R&D arm of Lucent Technologies). Recipients must have made significant contributions to the science and technology of MBE or scientific advances enabled by MBE by the age of 35, have presented the cited work at one or more NAMBE conferences, and show promise of future leadership in the field.
Separately, at the 210th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society on 29
October 3 November in Cancun, Mexico, Ng is also to receive the biennial
Charles W. Tobias Young Investigator Award, which recognizes outstanding
scientific and/or engineering work in fundamental or applied
electrochemistry or solid-state science and technology by a young scientist
or engineer under the age of 40. The awardee must also show promise as a
developing leader in the chosen research field.
Both awards recognize Ng's work in gallium nitride research using MBE. His
research is paving the way for novel optical components spanning the
ultraviolet, visible and infrared wavelength regions. In the past, he has
demonstrated the use of MBE as a tool to fabricate multiple layers of GaN
and AlGaN with precise thickness of only a few atoms, critical research for
optical modulators that can be switched at faster speeds than currently
available. He and his colleagues have also developed and patented a method
to fabricate optical frequency converters for future telecoms systems using
GaN. Currently, Ng is working on ways to increase the efficiency of UV and
visible LEDs.
After Bachelor's, Master's and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from
Boston University, Ng joined Bell Labs in 1999. He has authored nine patents
(awarded or pending), over 45 journal articles, three book chapters, and 30
conference papers, and is a senior member of the Institute of Electrical and
Electronic Engineers, and a member of the Materials Research Society,
Electrochemical Society, American Physical Society and American Vacuum
Society. Ng was also selected to participate in the 2004 National Academy of
Engineering's Frontiers of Engineering Symposium as one of the USA's top
young engineers under 45.
Visit: http://www.nambe.info/2000s/nambe2006.html