- News
25 January 2016
ROFIN's German subsidiaries DILAS Diodenlaser and m2k-Laser merged
US-based laser manufacturer ROFIN says that its wholly owned subsidiaries DILAS Diodenlaser GmbH of Mainz and m2k-Laser of Freiburg in Germany have merged (effective 1 January).
Founded in 1994 and acquired by Rofin-Sinar Technologies Europe S.L. (a subsidiary of Rofin-Sinar Technologies Inc of Plymouth, MI, USA) in 1997, DILAS Diodenlaser designs and manufactures high-power diode laser components, modules and systems.
Founded in 2001 by staff from the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Solid State Physics (IAF) in Freiburg and acquired by Rofin-Sinar Laser GmbH of Hamburg, Germany in 2007, m2K manufactures single emitters, laser bars and laser modules including tapered amplifiers and lasers based on gallium arsenide (GaAs) emitting at wavelengths of 755-1064nm as well as mid-infrared high-power diode lasers in broad-area or ridge-waveguide designs based on gallium antimonide (GaSb) emitting at 1850-2500nm.
Since m2k-laser has mainly supplied its products to DILAS GmbH, the merger is expected to increase the efficiency of both entities. The combined unit will be headquartered in Mainz and will operate under the DILAS brand. The site in Freiburg will remain and is being transformed into a business unit of DILAS Diodenlaser GmbH, called DILAS Semiconductor.
With design and epitaxial services at the diode laser chip level from Freiburg plus diode laser packaging, beam shaping and systems technology from Mainz, the two sites provide complementary technologies, and the merger is a strategic and logical consequence of the long-term cooperation between both sites over years. The combined company aims to create a competitive footing by expanding its portfolio of products and technologies.
Sales activities for all DILAS products will be combined. The expanded product lines from DILAS are being displayed in booth #4737 (North Hall) at SPIE Photonics West 2016 in San Francisco (13-18 February).
DILAS to distribute m2k-laser's products
Rofin-Sinar acquires 80% of m2k-laser