

Why Not Get Involved?

Semiconductor Today wants to hear from anyone involved in activities related to compound semiconductors and advanced silicon (e.g. suppliers, researchers, manufacturers, end-users, market analysts, financiers, and representatives).


If you are involved in semiconductor-related activities, then we are interested in proposals for contributed articles. These can be:

  • Feature articles of up to 1500 words (including several graphics or tables) on either technical or business aspects of semiconductor research or manufacturing.
  • One-page ‘Opinion’ articles (of 500 words and a portrait photo) expressing a personal viewpoint on a topical issue on technology, business, funding, markets, standards, regulations etc.

Interested parties should e-mail a proposed title, author names and affiliations, and a brief 60-word abstract summarizing content.

Marketing Communications/Press Relations:

If you are involved in marketing communications or press relations, then please add the contact details below to your e-mail distribution list for any semiconductor-related news releases that you issue. With any initial text, please also send relevant graphics (e.g. photos of people, facilities, equipment, materials, and devices, as well as micrographs or schematic diagrams of device structures).

As well as text in e-mail messages, text can be provided in Word, PDF or Powerpoint formats. Graphics should be high-resolution (300 dots per inch), and supplied separately in JPEG, TIFF or EPS format. However, graphics embedded in PDF, Powerpoint and Word files may also be used.

For further information on Semiconductor Today magazine's editorial content and publishing timescales, please contact Mark or Darren:

Mark Telford
Semiconductor Today, Editor
Tel: +44 (0)1869 811577
Cell: +44 (0)7963 085605

Darren Cummings
Semiconductor Today, Commercial Director / Assistant Editor
Tel:+44 (0)121 2880779
Cell: +44 (0)7990 623395