AES Semigas


25 February 2022

TRUMPF introducing longer-wavelength VCSELs for datacoms

In booth 2423 at the Optical Fiber Conference (OFC 2022) in San Diego, USA (8–10 March), TRUMPF Photonic Components GmbH of Ulm, Germany (part of the TRUMPF Group) – which manufactures vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs) and photodiodes for the consumer electronics, datacoms, industrial sensing, heating and automotive markets – is to show its existing 850nm product portfolio and its future roadmap for longer wavelengths.

The company is hence introducing VCSELs with wavelengths above 940nm, addressing the market requirements for broader temperature ranges, higher product robustness and service life.

VCSEL and photodiodes operating at data rates up to 56Gbps are available as 1x1, 1x4 or 1x12 arrays. (Photo: TRUMPF.)

Picture: VCSEL and photodiodes operating at data rates up to 56Gbps are available as 1x1, 1x4 or 1x12 arrays. (Photo: TRUMPF.)

TRUMPF has also just completed its first multi-million-Euro investment tranche in its production site in Ulm, in order to upgrade its manufacturing platform and to support further business growth. The firm says that it is building on more than 20 years of experience in the market with the strategy of not only designing standard modules but also customized solutions for high-speed and high-performance VCSELs and photodiodes.

See related items:

TRUMPF and Metalenz demo VCSELs with stable polarization for smartphone illumination

TRUMPF presents controlled-polarized VCSEL at Photonics West




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