AES Semigas


28 August 2024

Baylin receives CDN$2.25m order from satellite broadcaster and services provider

Toronto-based Baylin Technologies Inc says that its subsidiary Advantech Wireless Technologies Inc of Montreal, Canada (which manufactures satellite, RF equipment and microwave broadband communications systems) says that a “a major sports and entertainment satellite broadcaster and services provider” has placed orders totalling $2.25m for its C-band and Ku-band solid-state power block (SSPB) amplifiers.

The C-band portion consists of gallium nitride (GaN)-based Dakota SSPBs that will be vehicle-mounted to support the broadcaster’s mobile network. The high-power 500W Genesis-HP Ku-band block-up converters will be installed at the customer’s master teleport facility. Advantech’s products were selected based on both their resilient architecture as well as their unique software capabilities.

“Broadcasting is an example of the need for high-power satellite technology,” notes president & CEO Leighton Carroll. “Being selected to power sports broadcasts is another instance of customers choosing Advantech when they need reliable innovative technology. Our new line of amplifiers also allows us to simplify our supply chain while delivering enhanced capabilities.”

See related items:

Advantech to supply SSPAs to SatCom system integrator




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