AES Semigas


4 October 2024

UK project to facilitate secure quantum key distribution with high-performance OEM receiver modules

Backed by funding from Innovate UK (which provides funding and support for business innovation as part of UK Research and Innovation) under the ‘Scalable Quantum Network Technologies: Collaborative R&D’ program, the £1.5m MARCONI project on quantum key distribution (QKD) is developing and demonstrating high-fidelity modular and scalable receiver modules. QKD is a secure communication method that leverages the principles of quantum mechanics to generate and distribute cryptographic keys between two parties, ensuring that any attempt at eavesdropping can be detected. The MARCONI initiative is expected to not only strengthen the UK’s position in addressing the challenge of bringing scalable quantum network technologies to market but also enhance national security and economic growth.

Specifically, the project aims to introduce two new OEM QKD receivers based on different technologies, which are interchangeable at the optical connection point. These receivers will be constructed using UK components, ensuring a robust domestic supply chain for critical quantum networking technologies.

For smaller setups and short-distance communications, a four-channel single-photon avalanche detector (SPAD) system will feature Noiseless InGaAs (indium gallium arsenide) avalanche photodiode (APD) infrared sensor technology from Sheffield University spin-off Phlux Technology, packaged by Bay Photonics Ltd of Paignton, UK. For larger, long-distance applications, a superconducting nanowire single-photon detector (SNSPD) system will be employed, incorporating enhanced SNSPDs from the University of Glasgow, cooled by a novel 1K system from Sheffield-based Chase Research Cryogenics Ltd, and coupled with a new compact timetagger from Redwave Labs Ltd of Didcot, UK. Redwave Labs will optimize the control electronics and timetaggers for both systems, which will be coupled with an optical receiver module from the Fraunhofer Centre for Applied Photonics (CAP) of Glasgow, Scotland, UK.

The University of Cambridge will showcase these receivers in entanglement-based discrete variable-QKD transmission across both metro and long-haul networks, using the BBM92 protocol. This demonstration will highlight the scalability and performance of the MARCONI receivers.

The MARCONI project addresses two critical needs: establishing a UK-led supply chain for quantum networking components and enhancing the scalability of quantum networks. The QKD market is forecasted to grow to about $5bn by 2028. By developing high-performance OEM receiver modules for both small and large installations, MARCONI aims to disrupt the market and reduce reliance on single-source suppliers.

It is reckoned that MARCONI's innovations promise economic and security advantages, including job creation and safeguarding within the UK supply chain, enhanced national security through the adoption of more secure QKD systems, reduced import dependency for high-performance photonics systems, and boosting the reputation and impact of the UK photonics industry. As system integrator, Redwave Labs will lead the commercialization efforts for the QKD receiver modules. The project is expected to generate substantial revenue and growth opportunities for all consortium partners.

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Tags: IR detectors




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