AES Semigas


11 October 2024

Ohio State selects Taiyo Nippon Sanso MOCVD and HVPE platforms for R&D of nitride and oxide materials and devices

Industrial gas company Taiyo Nippon Sanso Corp (TNSC) of Tokyo, Japan (part of Nippon Sanso Holdings Group) says that The Ohio State University is to purchase and use a TNSC SR4000HT-RR-LV metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) reactor for its nitride R&D and a halide vapor phase epitaxy (HVPE) reactor for gallium oxide applications.

The MOCVD and HVPE reactors will be installed at Nanotech West Lab, a 36,000ft2 shared user facility servicing the Ohio State materials community. The lab is operated by the Institute for Materials and Manufacturing Research (IMR), a multi-disciplinary institute that provides infrastructure support and development, as well as management of major research facilities at Ohio State.

“Taiyo Nippon Sanso is very proud to establish a relationship with The Ohio State University for research and development of gallium nitride and gallium oxide materials and devices,” says TNSC’ senior corporate officer Kunihiro Kobayashi. “Taiyo Nippon Sanso is looking forward to working with professors Steven A. Ringel, Siddharth Rajan and Hongping Zhao and The Ohio State University community to further establish its reputation as a center of excellence in the field of wide-bandgap semiconductor research and development,” he adds.

“The selection of the TNSC MOCVD and HVPE systems and our partnership with Taiyo Nippon Sanso enables The Ohio State University to expand its epitaxial growth facilities with these state-of-the-art growth capabilities for nitrides and oxides,” says IMR executive director professor Steven A. Ringel, associate VP of research at The Ohio State University. “We are eager to leverage TNSC technology to push the boundaries of wide- and ultrawide-bandgap semiconductor research and development.”

See related items:

Lit Thinking selects Taiyo Nippon Sanso MOCVD platform

Taiyo Nippon Sanso launches UR26K-CCD MOCVD system for GaN mass production

Tags: Taiyo Nippon Sanso




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