AES Semigas


16 September 2024

Mojo Vision partners with CY Vision to develop HUDs with micro-LED technology

Mojo Vision Inc of Saratoga, CA, USA — which is developing and commercializing micro-LED display technology for consumer, enterprise and government applications — has partnered with heads-up display (HUD) technology company CY Vision to develop HUDs built with micro-LED technology that incorporate augmented reality (AR) into automobiles. These HUDs will leverage artificial intelligence (AI) and 3D imaging to provide drivers with an immersive and personalized driving experience with informative, line-of-sight overlays that promote driver safety and provide essential information.

Organizational readiness in the age of AI: from technology to transformation

Both automakers and consumers can benefit from AR HUDs, as a next-gen driving experience can be a major factor for consumers in the car buying process. HUDs have the ability to keep drivers’ eyes and focus on the road by visualizing information in the direct field of view — addressing a significant concern for drivers, as an estimated 25% of automotive accidents are caused by distracted driving.

HUD capabilities for enhanced driving

CY Vision’s HUDs are said to provide the largest field of view and high-resolution images with 3D and AR capabilities.

With up to 20–50 times more light efficiency than conventional systems, high brightness, contrast and resolution, the images clearly and conveniently display important information to the user. Additionally, CY Vision’s HUDs eliminate existing image degradation such as sunlight reflection and color distortion. These improvements are critical to the implementation and adoption of AR HUDs.

“The automotive industry is always looking for advancements in user experience, design and safety,” says CY Vision’s CEO Sandeep Ohri. “AR HUDs have the opportunity to be the next big advancement in automotive technology, and the core total addressable market for HUDs is estimated to reach over $10bn by 2034. We’re excited to add cutting-edge micro-LED to our existing solutions, expanding our offerings and serving our customers’ needs.”

Manufacturing benefits of micro-LEDs

For auto makers to increase the integration of HUDs in the next generation of cars, the displays need to exceed manufacturer’s standards and guidelines. By mixing cutting-edge display technology with established semiconductor processes, micro-LED technology provides a cost- and energy-effective opportunity to advance the development and implementation of high-performance HUDs, says Mojo Vision.

The small size of the firm’s micro-LEDs can help CY Vision to design HUDs that integrate more seamlessly with the car’s existing layout, it adds. As auto makers continue to add more high-tech features to cars, managing energy consumption is critical.

Mojo’s display technology is 5–10 times more efficient than LED-illuminated LCD displays, providing a more energy-efficient component. Mojo’s micro-LED technology can also help to enable CY Vision’s HUDs to adapt to different-sized windshields through software, and to not require luxury optical elements or films, creating cost savings.

“Automotive HUDs showcase micro-LED’s adaptability for being a superior display technology in multiple form factors,” says Mojo Vision’s CEO Nikhil Balram. “Micro-LEDs provide high performance without being obtrusive to structure and design. HUDs that will redefine the marketplace will require top-end resolution and quality, all of which micro-LED can provide at a cost-effective price point and low energy consumption,” he adds.

“For Mojo’s micro-LEDs, auto HUDs with CY Vision will be a significant advancement towards widespread commercialization of this type of display technology,” comments Mojo board member Achin Bhowmik, former president of the Society for Information Display (SID). “Automotive HUDs are the perfect use case for micro-LED technology as HUDs will significantly benefit from the size, energy use and display capabilities that micro-LEDs have to offer and will show the versatility and value of micro-LEDs in the display landscape. Technologies that combine safety and enhanced experience are extremely important, and micro-LEDs will enable HUDs to reach their full potential.”

See related items:

Mojo Vision integrates RGB micro-LED sub-pixels into single panel

Tags: microLED




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