AES Semigas


4 September 2024

Japan’s NCT gains NEDO funding for project to develop β- Ga2O3 wafers, power devices and power modules

Novel Crystal Technology Inc (NCT) of Saitama, Japan, which develops and sells gallium oxide wafers, says that an R&D project related to beta-phase gallium oxide (β- Ga2O3) was adopted by Japan’s New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO). The project ‘Development of Material Technology for High-Output and High-Efficiency Power Devices/High-Frequency Devices’ is part of the ‘Key and Advanced Technology R&D through Cross Community Collaboration Program’ (K Program) promoted by Japan’s Cabinet Office (CAO), the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI).

For the project, which has a budget of ¥4.5bn and a planned duration of five years from fiscal 2024 to fiscal 2028, NCT will collaborate with related companies and academic institutions to develop β-Ga2O3 wafers, power devices, and power modules.

Specifically, NCT will work on the development of low-cost crystal growth technology for manufacturing 6-inch high-quality β- Ga2O3 wafers and 6-inch homoepitaxial growth technology with low defect density and high production throughput.

In addition, in collaboration with Tokyo-based Mitsubishi Electric Corp, NCT will work on the development of a high-voltage β- Ga2O3 transistor with high breakdown voltage of 3.3kV or more, and low on-resistance which is less than half that of silicon carbide (SiC). Mitsubishi Electric will also work on the development of a power module in which multiple β- Ga2O3 transistor chips are assembled in parallel. Nagoya-based Japan Fine Ceramics Center will work on the construction of non-destructive, high-speed full-surface defect inspection technology for 6-inch β- Ga2O3 wafers.

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Tags: Mitsubishi Electric Gallium Oxide



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