News: Optoelectronics
13 January 2025
CEA-Leti presenting at Photonics West, including Invited Paper on optical phased arrays for LiDAR
At Photonics West 2025 in the Moscone Center, San Francisco (25–30 January), micro/nanotechnology R&D center CEA-Leti of Grenoble, France is presenting six papers (including an invited paper) detailing its recent breakthroughs and results for photonics-based applications. Topics to be covered include:
- silicon photonics for computing, AI, communication & quantum technologies;
- integrated solutions for biosensing with integrated mid-infrared laser sources;
- integrated frequency-modulated continuous-wave LIDARs based on flash illumination, or optical phased-array beam steering.
In addition, CEA-Leti's booth #5129 (North Hall) in the Moscone Center French Pavilion is exhibiting silicon photonics components, QCL-based optical sensors, and micro-LEDs for displays, and optical communications.
Presentations: OPTO Conference
27 January
- ’Recent developments in optical phased arrays for LiDAR applications’, Invited paper by Sylvain Guerber at 10:45-11:15am in the Moscone Center, Room 305 (Level 3 South);
- ‘Fabrication and analysis of directional micro-holograms for a new generation of displays’ by Salaheddine Toubi at 5:35-5:55pm in the Moscone Center, Room 2002 (Level 2 West).
29 January
- ‘Towards fully integrated frequency comb based transceivers’ by Baptiste Routier at 9:10-9:30am in the Moscone Center, Room 305 (Level 3 South);
- ‘Miniaturization of a wide-angle 3D FMCW flash LIDAR’ by Laurent Frey at 10:40-11am in the Moscone Center, Room 313 (Level 3 South);
- ‘Design and integration of hybrid IIIV/Si mid-infrared laser sources and photonic circuits for chemical sensing applications’ by Maxime LePage at 5-5:30pm in the Moscone Center, Room 306 (Level 3 South);
- ‘Design of grating coupler with large and flat illumination far field profile for FMCW flash LIDAR’ by Paul Camus at 6–8pm in the Moscone Center, Room 2003 (Level 2 West).
In addition to the papers for which CEA-Leti experts were the primary authors, the institute has also contributed to 10 papers being presented by associated research organizations.
Leti Photonics Workshop
On 29 January (5:30–7pm) at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, CEA-Leti is hosting its annual Leti Photonics Workshop. Speakers and topics are as follows:
- Florian Cardinaux, Consul General of France in San Francisco, Welcome;
- Cyril Fellous, head of Optics & Photonics Division at CEA-Leti, ‘How optics and photonics at CEA-Leti addresses new challenges; FAMES Pilot Line and beyond’;
- Samuel Sheng, director, Sensing Systems and Technologies, at Google, Keynote;
- Vincent Destefanis, Optical Sensors Partnership Manager at CEA-Leti, ‘Smaller, smarter, cheaper: a new generation of photonic sensors’;
- Vygintas Jankus, Display Partnership Manager at CEA-Leti, ‘MicroLED optical link for next-generation computing’;
- Pierre Damien Berger, MEMS Partnership Manager at CEA-Leti, ‘Silicon optomechanics: sensing through light, a leap in performance’;
- Nicolas Lio Soon Shun, Thermal and Terahertz Imaging Partnership Manager at CEA-Leti, ‘High performance avalanche photodiodes for free space optical communications and more’;
- Michael Tchagaspanian, executive VP strategic partnership at CEA-Leti, ‘How does a partnership with CEA-Leti work?’.
The workshop is followed at 7:30–9pm by a networking event in the museum.