AES Semigas


17 August 2022

Seoul Semiconductor wins German injunction against Conrad

South Korean LED maker Seoul Semiconductor Co Ltd has obtained a permanent injunction in patent litigation against European retailer Conrad Electronic for infringement of an LED patent in Germany.

In July, the German District Court of Manheim issued a permanent injunction against certain cell phones and a recall of those products in the patent litigation against Conrad. The accused products relate to flash LEDs for cell phones.

The patented technology in the cell-phone flash LEDs serves to efficiently extract light emitted from the LED, significantly improving light intensity and brightness. This patented technology has been widely used for cell-phone flashlights, automobile headlamps, UV-LED home appliances, horticulture applications, and outdoor lighting.

Seoul has already won several patent litigations based on the asserted patent. For example, in December 2018, the District Court of Düsseldorf ordered a permanent injunction for patent infringement against various LED products and a recall of those products. In addition, the German Federal Court of Justice has declared the validity of this patent.

Seoul and its affiliates have actively engaged in patent enforcement against companies that use what it describes as cheap infringing products despite claiming environmental, social and governance (ESG) compliance. In the past four years, as a result, Seoul has secured seven judgments of permanent injunctions and orders of recall in Europe against infringing products, including cell phones, lighting products, and UV-LED home appliances.

See related items:

Seoul Semiconductor files patent lawsuits over Philips’ TV and filament LED bulbs

Seoul Semi obtains injunctions against Philips brand lighting affiliates

Seoul Semi obtains injunction in Germany against Leuchtstark

Tags: Seoul Semiconductor LEDs



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